Monday, October 17, 2005

Blast from the Past

I have obtained a copy of the characters from the Stormiecon and Clovercon SLUGS LARPs. I have also obtained permission to post them online! ;) Look for them here on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I'll only be posting the character descriptions as that's all I have. No stats or powers will be posted.

The first game will be the 1421 game from Stormiecon. It was set in Ireland and was a meeting of various factions at a manor house in the Irish countryside. There was a plague in the city and a drought in the country, amongst other emergencies. If you see a character you played, feel free to write to me at about your experience in the game. Also note any awards you may have won. I played Lugaid O'Reilly and won honorable mention, so I'll post him first.


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