Friday, September 15, 2006

Faux News Network Report 10-4-04

From the SLUGS forum:


PYONGYANG: An emergency diplomatic dialogue between Chinese and North Korean ambassadors has just concluded after a heated exchange. The specifics of the meeting have not been publicly disclosed but within minutes the Chinese delegation was escorted to its motorcade and the Pyongyang airport. Many of the delegates left the meeting in a highly charged emotional state, with one of the press officers actually shouting to reporters in Mandarin that they "officially think he [Chairman Kim Jong-il] is insane.”

Moments afterward an official press release was issued by the diplomatic office of the People's Republic of China. Effective immediately, China has severed diplomatic and trade relations with North Korea and its government. All Chinese military forces and administrative personnel have been recalled back to the Chinese border. Citizens abroad in North Korea have also been instructed by their government to return home immediately, via specially chartered civilian airliners protected with priority status and Chinese security forces. The Chinese embassy has been totally closed.

No comments have yet been forthcoming from the North Korean government.

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