Friday, September 08, 2006

Henry Brennan (1421)

Henry Brennan
9th Generation Tremere
Childe and “husband” to Sarra Brennan

Twenty years ago you were a ghoul to the Ventrue ruler of Dublin. That all changed when you met Sarra Brennan. In a private meeting with your master where you were present, she staked him. Immediately, she made you the offer of a lifetime – allow her to slay and diablerize your master and she would embrace you as her own. That was a quick and easy decision, and a clan war followed.

Over the next two years you fought it out with Ventrue through the streets of Dublin. The local populace thought that it was a series of gang wars, and that was pretty close to the truth. In 1401, Sarra negotiated a truce that put her in charge of the city and you second in command. You had now ascended.

Over the last 15 years, you and Sarra have attended various social functions of Dublin without making too big a spectacle of you. The only human of any interest is a woman named Isabella Moyglare. She is the wife of a local minister that is a ghoul of the one Cappadocian in town. You slept with and tasted her blood but couldn’t bring yourself to take her to the dark side.

Recently, a plague has taken grip on Dublin, and things have become grim. Blood is scarce, Malkavians are burning food stores, and the Ventrue are restless. Sarra says that the “red daggers” are responsible, but you thought they had been extinguished long ago. Nevertheless, she has come up with a plan in conjunction with the Cappadocian.

Under the guise of a dance/joust, Isabella’s husband and a contingent of English social elites will be meeting with a similar group of Irish in the town of Dun Boyne. This will bring all of the affected parties into the open, where the guilty can be ferreted out and dealt with. Your problem is that the Ventrue not only want Sarra’s ass on a stick, but yours as well. More than that, you have no idea where the Malkavians may be lurking. You need to remain close to those that can protect you while staying faithful to the cause that brought you to the position you’re in.

Finally, the worst thing is that you suspect the Cappadocian of being a figurehead for this whole thing and using Sarra for something rather untoward. You haven’t figured it all out yet, but you need to before the shit hits the fan. You have your trusted ghoul, Matthew Burns, for help.

So, protect your “family’s” ass, find out what the hell is going on, and fix it. The dance is a good place to get started.

What is this?


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