Thursday, May 18, 2006

Michael Phillips (1421)

Michael Phillips
10th Generation Tremere
Advisor to Lord Moyglare, childe of Richard Clarke

You work in a rather unusual position. You advise a Lord that never listens, and you outrank a person that tells you what to do.

You have lived in Dublin for about 70 years, embraced as a man in your 30’s during the Black Death of the 1350’s by Richard Clarke, who was fleeing England proper. Until about 20 years ago, the two of you had to lie low, staying out of Ventrue sight. At that time Sarra Brennan was able to slay the head of the city. That started a two-year clan war, with the Tremere able to force a truce and Sarra in control of Dublin.

5 years ago, you attached yourself to Lord Moyglare. He arrived from England under the orders of Henry V to take command of Norman Ireland. Well, the Irish – Toreador Irish, control Norman Ireland. And a Cappadocian fool controls Moyglare. If you could somehow get Moyglare to listen to you, then maybe you could accomplish something.

Recently, in mundane affairs, a plague has struck Dublin. People are falling left and right from it, and the root of it is in the water that feeds the northern part of town. The Irish in the countryside have watched their fields grow barren. No one knows why. This has had two unpleasant side effects for you: blood is more difficult to come by and the Malkavian Irish have been entering Dublin bent on destroying the food storage. You have urged Moyglare to organize a raiding party into the countryside, but he refuses to listen. Clarke appealed to Sarra.

After speaking with Sarra, Clarke informed you that there was going to be a meeting of the English and Irish in Dun Boyne. More than that, additional measures had been taken to stop the plague and famine, for the good of everyone. The meeting is going to be a festival – dance and joust – designed to allow the leaders of the Irish and English to work out a food for water deal.

This meeting will present you with several opportunities. You can start by using the dance to identify the Irish kindred and work out a revenge plan against the Malkavian. You can also get in better with Sarra to figure out what the hell she knows that everyone else doesn’t. Finally, getting Moyglare and his guards on your side could provide the extra firepower you need at the critical time.

What is this?


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