Tuesday, May 23, 2006

William Hughes (1421)

William Hughes
Man-at-Arms to Lord Moyglare

You have been trained since birth to be a man-at-arms. You were just a lowly soldier until you met a very special woman: Isabella. Although she was the wife of an English Lord (Gauwyn Moyglare), you two were meant to be. After that first night of tremendous lovemaking, a transfer was “arranged” to the Lord’s personal contingent. While Moyglare was away on the French Campaign, you were assigned to guard “the castle” (heh-heh). When he got back, he brought a new French advisor, Guy leBlanc. Almost immediately Lord Moyglare (and everyone else) packed up and left for Norman Ireland.

That was 6 years ago. Since then, things have changed a little. Norman Ireland doesn’t exist, leaving your Lordship to look important without being so. Mr. leBlanc has made increasing demands on Moyglare, and the Lady is frequently engaged in the social activities of the upper class, although she manages to steal away some time for you. You’ve become more prone to listening to his other advisor, Michael Phillips. Besides, Mr. Phillips isn’t French vermin.

All of the demands on the Lord and Lady have left you and the two other guards, Richard and Drew, plenty of time to train with the Lady’s brother, Valentine. Richard is a strange one and is the personal guard of Michael Phillips – Moyglare’s other advisor. Drew is your liege and Drew always has time to spare. Valentine is a knight, technically, but has no land or money to show for it. Over the years he has learned to use a sword and lance, and has participated in a few battles and tournaments, he even went on the French Campaign with Moyglare. You and the two guards have managed to pick up some skills with the lance since Valentine hasn’t had a partner to practice with. (You guys could already use a sword and halberd).

Earlier this month, Lord Moyglare informed you that you would be accompanying him and a large entourage to Dun Boyne, a day’s ride beyond the Pale. There would be a jousting tournament to determine the best fighters in the land without resorting to bloodletting. The prize is the O’Reilly’s daughter, Generis. If there is an open slot in the tournament, you might take your chances. Isabella can have a husband; it’s about time you won a wife.

Last week, as you were about to deliver a message to Lord Moyglare, you overheard him having a conversation with Mr. leBlanc. Moyglare referred to leBlanc as “Master”. You left unseen and delivered it later. You haven’t had a chance to discuss this with Valentine, Mr. Phillips or Isabella, but mentioned it to your liege. LeBlanc must have some magical power over your Lordship.

Try your best to be faithful to Isabella, protect your interests, your ass, and your Lordship.

What is this?


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