Thursday, May 25, 2006

Drew Desmond (1421)

Drew Desmond
Liegeman to William Hughes

When Lord Moyglare set foot in Dublin a few years ago, he began to hire locals. You managed to get hired on as liege to William Hughes for a small flat in Dublin.

Since then you have learned to handle a sword and lance with some proficiency. Sir Theobald has few people to practice with in the area, so you and Hughes picked up the skills and serve in that capacity.

Theobald is the brother to Lady Moyglare. You rarely see the Lord or Lady wandering their manor, as they are off doing the various “duties of the state”. No matter, you are always preparing for the inevitable Irish assault on Dublin.

Lately, a plague has stricken Dublin, and rumor has it that a famine is affecting Ireland proper. That has reduced the number of skirmishes between the English and Irish. In fact, it appears they are going to meet in Dun Boyne.

Earlier this month, Hughes informed you that you would be accompanying him and a large entourage to Dun Boyne, a day’s ride beyond the Pale. There would be a jousting tournament to determine the best fighters in the land without resorting to bloodletting. The prize is the O’Reilly’s daughter, Generis. If there is an open slot in the tournament, he might take your chances.

Around the Manor, the word is that Moyglare is going to try to get fresh water from the Irish by trading Barley from Wales. It is up to you and Hughes to protect the Moyglares from any Irish shenanigans.

The big secret you know about is Isabella Moyglare. William Hughes has lost it for her. Apparently, they are having an affair and he thinks that “true love” exists between them. Fat chance. You diddled Isabella last month, and you know she has slept with half of Dublin. When Hughes isn’t around, you and Sir Theobald joke about the slut that she is. Since both of you need her to remain married to Lord Moyglare, neither of you breathe a word of this to anyone else.

Hughes told you yesterday that he suspects Lord Moyglare’s advisor, Guy le Blanc, of wrongdoing. Lord Moyglare referred to leBlanc as “master” when Hughes was nearby. Neither of you have had time to say a word to anyone, but this secret could come in handy, later.

As low man on the totem pole, your secrets and connections could give you the opportunity to rise through the ranks quickly this weekend in Dun Boyne.

What is this?


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