William le Waleys (1421)
William le Waleys
Priest of the Order of Red
You were born in Wales to an English resistance fighter and hero. He died when you were 6 while fighting those monsters. Your mother picked up the family and moved to Dublin as the English moved into your village to burn everything. You never forgot that. You received your education at a Norman Monastery in English controlled lands, but Irish by tradition. Over the years, you took an unconventional interpretation of God’s word.
First, sacrifice is a good thing. Human sacrifice is the ultimate. Sometimes it is necessary to give up the lambs of God in order that the rest may live on. Second, evil should be destroyed by any means necessary. This may involve making deals with the devil. Even God dealt with the devil regarding Job.
A local priest named Lugaid O’Reilly introduced himself to you about 6 years ago. When you realized that he was talking about a group that had views similar to you, you accepted. He urged you to stay here and help him recruit others to the cause. Now you do your work from within Dublin so that you can not only work for the Lord, but also strike easily against the English monsters.
Not long ago Lugaid told you of a letter that he had received from an anonymous source. This letter described a needed plague that would only affect witches. In concert, you devised a magical plague that would enter Dublin through the river of the north. Everything worked fine until, Bryan Fitzgerald explained that his mother died of the very plague that you released. English AND a witch…two birds with one stone.
Now, there is a famine affecting Ireland and the Order has been contacted to stop it. You set to work and quickly discovered a solution. A mentor that schooled you in your beliefs gave you a red-bladed dagger that was consecrated for human sacrifice. If this blade is used for any other purpose it will be useless. The combination the red dagger and your spell can remove the famine from the area.
You are meeting the other members of the order in Dun Boyne at a dance/joust this weekend with both English and Irish participants. It provides the perfect cover for all of you to get together in one place. On top of everything else, there is an ancient graveyard nearby of your predecessors that the locals mistake as a Druid burial ground.
Finally, your brother Reys has arranged to pick up a few Welshman at the docks to meet an Irish rebel, Fergus O’Sullivan. This crazy Gael burns the Dublin food stores at night. So you are to keep an eye on them and update the Order on their activities.
Get rid of the English, track the Welsh, help Lugaid, and eliminate the witches.
What is this?
Priest of the Order of Red
You were born in Wales to an English resistance fighter and hero. He died when you were 6 while fighting those monsters. Your mother picked up the family and moved to Dublin as the English moved into your village to burn everything. You never forgot that. You received your education at a Norman Monastery in English controlled lands, but Irish by tradition. Over the years, you took an unconventional interpretation of God’s word.
First, sacrifice is a good thing. Human sacrifice is the ultimate. Sometimes it is necessary to give up the lambs of God in order that the rest may live on. Second, evil should be destroyed by any means necessary. This may involve making deals with the devil. Even God dealt with the devil regarding Job.
A local priest named Lugaid O’Reilly introduced himself to you about 6 years ago. When you realized that he was talking about a group that had views similar to you, you accepted. He urged you to stay here and help him recruit others to the cause. Now you do your work from within Dublin so that you can not only work for the Lord, but also strike easily against the English monsters.
Not long ago Lugaid told you of a letter that he had received from an anonymous source. This letter described a needed plague that would only affect witches. In concert, you devised a magical plague that would enter Dublin through the river of the north. Everything worked fine until, Bryan Fitzgerald explained that his mother died of the very plague that you released. English AND a witch…two birds with one stone.
Now, there is a famine affecting Ireland and the Order has been contacted to stop it. You set to work and quickly discovered a solution. A mentor that schooled you in your beliefs gave you a red-bladed dagger that was consecrated for human sacrifice. If this blade is used for any other purpose it will be useless. The combination the red dagger and your spell can remove the famine from the area.
You are meeting the other members of the order in Dun Boyne at a dance/joust this weekend with both English and Irish participants. It provides the perfect cover for all of you to get together in one place. On top of everything else, there is an ancient graveyard nearby of your predecessors that the locals mistake as a Druid burial ground.
Finally, your brother Reys has arranged to pick up a few Welshman at the docks to meet an Irish rebel, Fergus O’Sullivan. This crazy Gael burns the Dublin food stores at night. So you are to keep an eye on them and update the Order on their activities.
Get rid of the English, track the Welsh, help Lugaid, and eliminate the witches.
What is this?