Tuesday, August 29, 2006

David Walsh (1421)

David Walsh
Ghoul and Manservant of Reginald Burke

Your life of service began 5 years ago after your father died. Your father was Master Burke’s manservant for 20 years. After he died, Reginald made sure that you would succeed your father, by giving you his blood.

Reginald has it from a good source (Adam Smith) that the plague and the famine are of a mystical creation. He suspects Guy le Blanc is behind it. Fortunately, this joust provides the perfect cover to search out the local Irish vampires to find some allies to get rid of first the Cappadocian death freaks, and then eliminate the Tremere that slew your sire.

Reginald is a great master, but you wish he would see your true value and make you a full-fledge member of the Venture Brotherhood. The other brothers you have to deal with Bernard Smith and Nicholas Burke, are poor examples of the brethren compared to Master Reginald.

A huge plague has hit Dublin where you live with Master Reginald. The outlying Irish have been hit by a famine. So to negotiate aid between the two parties the English and the Irish are meeting at a joust to discuss mutual aid and such. Your job as given to you by Master Reginald is to help him find the secrets he needs, so he can take over the city and rule like he was always meant too.

From your dealings with Bernard, you suspect that that Londoner is getting a bit long in the tooth. He is looking for a change of scenery, one way or another. You get the feeling that if Sarra isn’t out by the end of the weekend, Reginald will be.

As it stands, if you do enough for Reginald, he may follow through with his remarks about elevating your station.

What is this?