Friday, September 08, 2006

Action Central Network Newsfeed for 10-3-04

"News" from the past! More information on how it all ends and this year's game begins. These events take place after the Archon 2004 Montreal LARP,


In a shocking statement North Korea's chairman, Kim Jong-il, has publicly claimed full responsibility for the catastrophic detonation which occurred yesterday in Montreal, Canada. Making a brief public appearance in full military regalia he was quoted as saying,"Let no nation of the global community continue to doubt the might of North Korea or its military forces, unmatched by the forces of other nations. North Korea has demonstrated itself a superpower and will no longer tolerate the interference of the corrupt NATO governments nor of their imperialist puppet states. All nations are cautioned to remember this." Although asked whether the Montreal weapon was nuclear or conventional, the Chairman has thus far declined to specify the nature of the weapon or the means of its delivery.

With calls still flooding Montreal's overwhelmed emergency services and with hospitals filled far past capacity, the sheer extent of the atttack upon the city center is only beginning to become apparent. Authorized estimates of damages are shocking: between 40-60 percent of metropolitan Montreal wholly leveled, with a rising casualty count in the tens of thousands and property losses of at least 75 billion dollars (Canadian). There are still few comments from the city or the national government, but a local hospital director has offered a grim estimate of the human toll of this event. "We don't have a reliable figure for the total count dead yet, and in spite of our efforts many are still missing or in hospitals too backed up to treat them in time," the director, who wished to remain unidentified, commented further on the casualty count of the affected downtown areas so far. "Decimated at least, in the literal sense."

Henry Brennan (1421)

Henry Brennan
9th Generation Tremere
Childe and “husband” to Sarra Brennan

Twenty years ago you were a ghoul to the Ventrue ruler of Dublin. That all changed when you met Sarra Brennan. In a private meeting with your master where you were present, she staked him. Immediately, she made you the offer of a lifetime – allow her to slay and diablerize your master and she would embrace you as her own. That was a quick and easy decision, and a clan war followed.

Over the next two years you fought it out with Ventrue through the streets of Dublin. The local populace thought that it was a series of gang wars, and that was pretty close to the truth. In 1401, Sarra negotiated a truce that put her in charge of the city and you second in command. You had now ascended.

Over the last 15 years, you and Sarra have attended various social functions of Dublin without making too big a spectacle of you. The only human of any interest is a woman named Isabella Moyglare. She is the wife of a local minister that is a ghoul of the one Cappadocian in town. You slept with and tasted her blood but couldn’t bring yourself to take her to the dark side.

Recently, a plague has taken grip on Dublin, and things have become grim. Blood is scarce, Malkavians are burning food stores, and the Ventrue are restless. Sarra says that the “red daggers” are responsible, but you thought they had been extinguished long ago. Nevertheless, she has come up with a plan in conjunction with the Cappadocian.

Under the guise of a dance/joust, Isabella’s husband and a contingent of English social elites will be meeting with a similar group of Irish in the town of Dun Boyne. This will bring all of the affected parties into the open, where the guilty can be ferreted out and dealt with. Your problem is that the Ventrue not only want Sarra’s ass on a stick, but yours as well. More than that, you have no idea where the Malkavians may be lurking. You need to remain close to those that can protect you while staying faithful to the cause that brought you to the position you’re in.

Finally, the worst thing is that you suspect the Cappadocian of being a figurehead for this whole thing and using Sarra for something rather untoward. You haven’t figured it all out yet, but you need to before the shit hits the fan. You have your trusted ghoul, Matthew Burns, for help.

So, protect your “family’s” ass, find out what the hell is going on, and fix it. The dance is a good place to get started.

What is this?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Info on this year's LARP

I found this posted on the SLUGS forum,


C-CAN News Radio:
Today NATO has issued announcement of a devastating explosion within the city of Montreal, Canada. Eyewitness reports of the attack describe a single, powerful blast emanating from the city's major commercial district. Within minutes of the initial explosion the city's government issued a press release stating that a "major industrial accident" had occurred near the city center and that all citizens should remain in their homes. No officials have yet consented to comment further, but a state both of emergency and of media blackout were immediately declared over the entire metropolitan area.

Reports of the extent of the damage to Montreal are at present uncertain, as a full military cordon has been established around the perimeter of the affected city center. Additionally, our network's attempts to bring our listeners coverage from our C-CAN Sky-Eye were prevented by one of several military helicopters, equipped with air-to-air missiles, now patrolling the entire city radius and interdicting all civilian traffic. No comments were available from the Canadian military but an unnamed officer present at the cordon was quoted as saying, "it just had to be a nuke."

As always our network will continue to investigate this tragedy and bring our listeners updates as soon as they develop."

This, together with a previous blurb seems to point to some sort of post-apocalyptic theme for this year. Less than a month to go, stay tuned!

Sarra Brennan (1421)

Sarra Brennan
8th Generation Tremere
Prince of Dublin, Sire and “husband” of Henry Brennan

You have lived your entire life under siege. You started in France nearly a century ago fleeing inquisitors. In England, you weren’t welcome because they feared the magical aspect of the Tremere. By the time you slipped into Dublin, you were just part of a burgeoning English city under siege from the Irish.

20 years ago, when enough Tremere arrived in the city, you reintroduced yourself as Sarra Brennan. No one knows much about your history, up to and including your coup of the city. In 1400, you determined that there were enough Tremere in Dublin to put up a strong fight against the native Ventrue. So in presenting yourself to the leader of the city, he allowed you to speak with him privately. As the conversation finished and he moved to open the door, you staked him. With him lying on the floor, you called his ghoul into the room. It was obvious the ghoul was not too faithful, so he accepted your embrace on the condition that he kept the diablerie a secret. That man is now your “husband” Henry Brennan.

That act set off a two-year clan war that resulted in you having uneasy control of Dublin and the Tremere in charge. That peace is now being threatened.

A plague has beset Dublin, and your agents know exactly who’s responsible – an obscure sect of Christian priests located in Dublin seeking retribution for the persecutions over the last century. This is making blood scarce and the Ventrue are ready to make a move. Malkavians were also raiding the city. Coming up with a plan to defeat this was no small feat, but when Richard Clarke (one of the Tremere) approached you to act, you knew who to turn to – Guy leBlanc. This Cappadocian owns a minister in the Dublin government. Guy suggested, and in fact arranged, a dance/joust with some Irish leaders in a town of your suggesting - Dun Boyne.

The location was ideal because it would lure the “red daggers” into the open, because it is the perfect meeting opportunity. The Ventrue who were a threat would show up and be isolated. The Malkavians from Ireland responsible for stepping into Dublin would likely be there, also.

All you have to do is find each group’s weaknesses and exploit them to save yourself and your clan. You have brought your two ghouls (Laurence Doyle and Matthew Burns), Henry, and his ghoul (Peter Knowlan) along as help.

What is this?